Safety In And Around The Home

Sometimes, the little things can get you!  Bacteria, viruses, dust, mold are all "little things" that can have life-changing consequences!  With safety, the little things can get you, too!  Indeed, most accidents can be traced to a combination of a little ignorance, a little neglect and a little carelessness, a combination that can spell disaster and heartbreak for you and your family.  There is nothing more tragic than a preventable accident!

This growing collection of articles will hopefully give you some guidance on making your home and workshop safer places.  Our intention is not to make you paranoid or neurotic... just a little more aware.  With safety, a little attention to detail may be all it takes!  May your home always be your refuge from the wild and crazy world!

Home Security Primer... How Much Your Need and How To Afford It!

Quick Tips to Avoid Accidental Home Fires

Holiday Season Decoration Safety Tips

More Holiday and Wintertime Safety Tips

Hurricane Safety- Lessons from Katrina

Hurricane Preparedness

Protect your pet!  Pet-proofing your home

Ladder safety is no laughing matter

Plan for winter's worst by taking charge now!

Planning is the key to playground safety

Poison safety- watch those common household products!

Articles on electrical safety