Reach out to our readers! Submit your DIY article to NH!

THE NATURAL HANDYMAN accepts articles for possible inclusion on our website! We have posted dozens of articles from companies and individuals that have been wonderful additions to our site.

An article on our website is one of the most effective, free ways to promote yourself, your product or service.

Please read all the information below before submitting an article so that there are no misunderstandings later. The minimal qualifications for inclusion are:

We do not guarantee acknowledgment of unsolicited articles. We will, however, notify the author when-and-if the article is used, provided that correct contact information is sent with the article.

To submit your article, fill in the form below...

Type or paste your article or comments below (required). If you prefer to send us your article as an attachment, send us a summary or outline of the article (below) and we'll reply with further instructions: